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Re: Power Plant Pollution Linked to 30,000 Premature Deaths
Actually, interestingly enough, I once did a consulting job for EPa, and my
EPA sponsor (whose name I don't remember, DID in fact ask me to put in some
very shaky and only marginally pertinent mortality statistics. I refused.
He may have put them in the final report.
I work as a DOE contractor, and there is ongoing, very open discussion about
how conservative (even ultra-conservative) we have to be. There is pressure
from anti-nuclear groups, and they are quite open about it. I don't see
where Adolf Eichmann comes into this at all. It's not a question of
"orders" but of external pressure on an agency.
Ruth Weiner
-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Rockwell <tedrock@cpcug.org>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Date: Monday, October 23, 2000 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: Power Plant Pollution Linked to 30,000 Premature Deaths
>> Any scientists involved are generally not
>conservative (let alone ultra-conservative) of their own volition. DOE and
>EPA insist on it because they think the media will blast them if they are
>not. Certainly the anti-nukes will blast them.
>We can't live that way. That's the Eichmann defense: "I was just doing my
>job." Who is "DOE" or "EPA"? No individual will ever write orders to
>employees telling them to write reports they don't believe in. What
>evidence is there that the media or the anti-nukes will behave any worse if
>we tell the truth? We've got to get away from that buck-passing. They
>it being conservative or being cautious, and it isn't. It's killing
>And those doing it must be held accountable for what they themselves do.
>Ted Rockwell
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