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Re: inexpensive Graph Paper
You might try:
Custom Software Services
P.O. Box 850776
Richardson, Texas 75085-0776 USA
Voice: 214-231-2922 (8am-4:30pm Mon-Fri)
CompuServe ID: 72223,466
Fax: 214-231-0713 (6am-10pm Daily)
BBS: 214-231-2765 (2400 bps, 8N1, 24 hrs daily)
At one time, they had a shareware program called "GrafPapr, Graph Paper Generator V01.00" which would print nearly all types of graph paper including Linear, Log, Polar, and variations of each.
Robert N. Young, X-ray Registration & Machine / Device Permitting Manager
TN - Division of Radiological Health
3rd Floor, L & C Annex
401 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37243-1532
(615) 532-0364 Voice
(615) 532-0385 FAX
e-mail: ryoung3@mail.state.tn.us
>>> alstonc@odrge.odr.georgetown.edu 10/31/00 7:31:47 AM >>>
>I know that there were some discussions earlier this year about graph paper
>and I saw this free utility and thought that some on the list may be
>interested. The URL is below and a brief description.
>Rob Morrison
>Graph Paper Printer
>Easily print custom graph paper
>Requirements: Windows 95, 98, or NT Purchase Information: Free
>Graph Paper Printer is exactly that -- a program for printing custom graph
>paper. It's easy to use and enables you to produce just about any type of
>graph paper you would ever need. It supports Cartesian, Polar, Triangular,
>and Mercator coordinates, along with custom margins, custom captions, size,
>automatic centering, and more. It can also print music paper, half-polar
>paper, logit-log paper, dot paper, lego paper, and your own custom designs.
>You can select from lots of different scale graduation styles, which are
>available from drop-down picklists, and change the thickness and color of
>the lines. A separate preview window is available to show the results of
>your settings.
>Note: This free software contains advertising technology that
>will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads.
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
FN:Young, Robert
TITLE:Health Physicist Supervisor II