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Re: switchable neutron sources
You might consider an accelerator type neutron generator - there are a
couple of companies making them, e.g. MF Physics in Colorado Springs.
Their ohone # is (719) 598-2599.
They are small and typically have outputs of 10E8 n/sec @ 14MeV.
Mike James
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Subject: switchable neutron sources
Author: <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu> at INTERNET
Date: 2000-10-31 14:44
Dear radsafers,
I would appreciate any information on "switchable" neutron
sources (availability, references, etc). Such a source would
be a special version of the usual Am-Be, Ra-Be, Pu-B, ...
setup, in which the alpha emitter and Be (or B) are not mixed,
but separated, so that the source can be switched on and off
by simply varying the distance of the two components.
I assume that such sources would have relatively low
emission rates, due to the inefficiencies in geometry.
However, they would be very useful in applications where
portability is a major constraint, since it would eliminate
the need for neutron shielding.
It was suggested to me that these sources were built somewhere,
perhaps at one of the national labs.
Thank you in advance for any hints and pointers.
Vashek Vylet
Vaclav "Vashek" Vylet, Ph.D. Phone: 919-684-2194
OESO/DUMC Box 3155 Fax: 919-684-2422
Duke University pager: 919-970-1224
Durham, NC 27710, USA e-mail: vashek.vylet@duke.edu
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