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>Hi Everyone!
>I have just finished visiting the web page for the citizens awareness network, and I noticed something that intrigued me. They have no mention about this petition that I could see. They do, however, have a blurb about DOE having a meeting (9/18/00) about a "high level radioactive waste storage facility to be built in Haddam, CT. I smell a skunk! I can't trust that they even saw Yellow suits being laundered. Once again, in my opinion, we witness a shear unadulterated publicity stunt. At Oak Ridge we had our own laundry facilities. Never sent off DOE property. I suspect that some people may have "borrowed" clothing for changing their automobile's oil etc. In fact, when we train people for emergency response, we give them level B suits (the ones they trained in) when they have completed the course. I do not believe that a facility would use a public laundry. They might use a contracted launderer, who meets specs, in which case the public would not be alarmed.
> Interesting...
> Tom
>On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 09:25:04
> William V Lipton wrote:
>>When you're dealing with adversaries who: "... are famous for half-truths
>>and using the NRC paperwork to stop work while an "adequate" investigation of
>>their accusations is completed...." why hand them ammunition? The only way
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