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Re: Deaths from fossil fuel burning air pollution
At 09:05 AM 11/21/00 -0600, Prof. Cohen wrote:
> --You can call it what you like as long as you don't apply it
>outside the region where there are data. Names don't matter, but LNT has a
>bad name because it is applied outside of the region where there are data.
>That aspect of the bad name for LNT does not apply to the air pollution
November 21, 2000
Davis, CA
I definitely am NOT supporting or defending the LNT approach for pollution
risk assessment, but rather just pointing out what EPA and other are doing
with the data. YES, the regression fits are being used to calculate risk
outside the region where there are data! This is the basis of assuming that
there is a 2% increase in deaths per 50 microgram per cubic meter increase
in airborne particulate matter and that this ratio can be applied to even
very small increases in particulate matter concentration.
Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP
Institute of Toxicology & Environmental Health
(Street Address: Bldg. 3792, Old Davis Road)
University of California, Davis, CA 95616
E-Mail: ograabe@ucdavis.edu
Phone: (530) 752-7754 FAX: (530) 758-6140
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