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Re: Energy site & education

This is what I was trying to say, Paul.  I don't condemn the site or the
organization running it.  It appears that the information they have
gathered is at best, elementary.  Although I hate to rag on you, Ruth,
don't assume that all of these sites are anti's.  Some are just what they
appear to be, just information sites that are running with the best
information they have.  Unfortunately the anti-nuke groups have more sites
and better spin doctors than we do.  What Paul says is true, give these
people better resources and they will get the information they need.
Everything I have read about APASE argues that they are trying to get kids
(and adults) to like science and appreciate what science can do, rather
than fear it.  If this is true we need to support such organizations.

BTW, Ruth, can I get about 200 clones of you to run around the country for
about four years and do what you described for that 4th grade class?

Philip Barringer
"My opinions, not the State's"

I went to the site for the group that developed this information.
Information about them appears below. The web page is

Perhaps before we condemn these folks we could just try to influence
them by offering to provide better information and links to other
sites that may give a more accurate view.  After trying to influence
them and failing the next step would be to contact those who sponsor
them. I doubt that the sponsoring companies are dedicated "anti-nuke
groups."  You simply can not put one label on groups to say that they
are "anti" anything until AFTER you have tried to influence them in a
professional manner and have failed. I have seen no reports that
indicate that we have even tried. Of course once we have labeled them
it is just a lot simpler to say "well what do you expect - they are
anti-nukes and will not listen anyway"

Paul Lavely
UC Berkeley


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