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De-Minimis (the age determination thread)
> Therefore, I would say that applying
> ALARA to radiation levels that are already below the variations in natural
> background is not "reasonable" and should not be done where avoidable.
If only the NRC implicitly included the De-Minimis philosophy and
limits. When they tried, they were accosted by many group. When a
value was put forth, it was too ridiculous to even be considered, in
that it was essentially meaningless, and impossible to even measure,
for documentation purposes.
It's ironic that the NRC and other regulatory bodies already have a
significant number of "De-Minimis" values in current regulations.
Consider that personnel monitoring is not even required for
individuals who will receive less that 500 mrem (5.0 mSv) in a year.
Take this one step further. Prior to the January 1, 1994
implementation of the revised 10CFR20, a facility was required to
maintain the doses per the specific time frame taking into account
all doses received from all facilities (licensees) etc. Now, a
facility only needs to address monitoring requirements, training
requirements, based on what the individual will receive in the
"current" facility only. If an individual comes into a new work
facility, and brings along an annual dose of 2 rem (20.0 mSv), that
need not be taken into account. The current facility simply states
that the individual will not exceed the threshold for monitoring, and
need not provide it.
In conclusion, we deal with De-Minimis all the time. It's now the
right moment to insist that realistic De-Minimis values be included
in the regulatory process.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
Director, Technical Extension 2306
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service Fax:(714) 668-3149
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Personal Website: http://sandyfl.nukeworker.net
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com
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