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2nd to last Step to "Becquies"

Dear Radsafe Community,

Ok so I have been derelict. The Alex B. and Kim B. thing was taking up a lot
of my time the past several months. I also was away on a long project this
summer and have finally cleared my backlog at work (well almost - sorry Tim
I will get you that report and the check is in the mail).

Here are the categories and criteria. I now need nominations. I am going to
restrict them to four people or posts (in each category) and everything
should be related to posts in the year 2000. For those of you who have no
idea what I am talking about here please search the radsafe archives for
"Becquies." There are perhaps 20 or so emails that cover the topic.

Please read the following categories and then email me at
pcollopy@mjwcorp.com. Do not respond to this post as I don't want to clutter
radsafe. It will take about two weeks to collate the information and put it
on the MJW web site where you will receive further instructions on how to
cast your ballot. You can send me one or twenty nominations - I will sift
through and go with the majority. In case of counting problems I have hired
some experienced personnel out of Florida who come highly recommended by the
Kathryn Harris.

I am going to wait two weeks for responses and then put the web site in
action. I will place another post here on radsafe to alert you to the URL
and voting procedure - thank god no chads !
Please get back to me ASAP as Kim B. has been calling daily and I am not so
sure how much longer I can resist a trip to SoCal. And Stew F. thought it
was the radiation !

Pete C.

The categories are:

1. Best Public Service Post - This is for the post that for a single
issue/event contained the best data/information that aided all of us in
health Physics with our jobs (e.g. Sandy's newswire releases or Tosh's info
on the Japanese criticality victims).

2. Best Continuing Thread - this is the post and follow-up thread that
actually provided quality information, the follow-up posts added to that
information and the thread did not degrade into name calling or sidebar
issues. This award is given to the thread and not a person although the
original poster will be cited.

3. Lifetime Achievement Poster - given to the person who provides on a
continual basis information or responses to posts useful to radsafe persons.

4. Rookie Poster of the Year - an individual heretofore unknown to the
radsafe list community who came on like gangbusters and provided useful,
thoughtful, thought provoking ideas in his/her post.

5. Least Productive Thread - given to the thread that contained the least
useful information, went on and on and on, degraded into a pissing contest
and caused the greatest number of unsubscribes to the list. No this specific
award post does not qualify!

There may be some overlap in the categories but let me worry about how to
sort through the nominations. I was going to have a category for the most
sanctimonious poster but that award would be won hands-down so I decided not
to include it. If you can't figure out who it is then you are not reading
all of the posts carefully enough.

Peter Collopy, CIH, CHP
MJW Corporation
338 Harris Hill Road
Williamsville, NY 14221
716-631-8291 (phone)
716-631-5631 (fax)

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html