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Re: Lead Recycle or Disposal Options

If the material can be released from radiological controls, most local scrap
metal dealers will buy lead and steel.

Brian Keele, CHP

Claude Laney <cflaney@bellsouth.net> on 01/25/2001 08:18:17 AM

Please respond to radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu

 To:      Multiple recipients of list                         
 cc:      (bcc: Brian Keele/Contract/SWEC)                    
 Subject: Lead Recycle or Disposal Options                    

I am looking for information on the most cost effective means of
recycling or disposing of lead.  The lead is not contaminated with
radioactive material and is enclosed in approximately 1/4 inch steel
plate.  The construction of the lead and steel plate structure date to
the late 1950's to the early 1960's.  There will potentially be low
levels of surficial contamination on the steel exterior of the structure
at the time of removal from the site; therefore, it may require
transportation as radioactive material and transfer to an NRC or
Agreement State licensed facility.

I would appreciate any information that could assist in the recycle or
disposal of this material.  Please send information to


Claude Laney, CHP

Office: (803) 345-9340
email:  cflaney@bellsouth.net

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The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html