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Re: Radionuclides in Groundwater
Many of you may recall last September the same issue of a home in Connecticut
having the same levels as those seen here.
This is my house, and the life of my five children that ARE effected.
If you want to talk about the safety of uranium, natural or otherwise, and
the governments responsibility to the health of the general populus ... you
can talk until you're blue in the face. My family drank this water for 5
years and are seeing health effects. We make routine trips into the city for
kidney analysis. My kids teeth abscess and the bone disintegrates; thus
resulting in 3 children having 9 teeth pulled! All the kids have low bone
mass, etc.
I can't believe that any parents out there would want to knowingly subject
themselves or their children to what we are going through. Not to mention
what the future may hold. Nobody really knows how kids metabolize uranium --
two of mine have had it since birth, one inutero. How can any tell me that
this is safe for them?!? Maybe this would explain bone mass 4-5 deviations
below normal and teeth that are as soft as chalk....and for those nay sayers
who will blame it on too much or too little fluoride, try again.
As for those who claim the water with high uranium/radium usually contains so
many other minerals that the water color and taste would be prohibitive to
wanting to drink the water, I would gladly send you a sample of my water and
you can look at it and taste it. I dare you to drink it on a daily basis and
give it to your kids.
If it only took the government warning me that this may be here (according
the maps), or better yet, the mandatory testing for it, I wouldn't be where I
am today -- fearing for the future of my children. Who can put a price on
T. Marks
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