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RE: Graphite Quiz: Re: Chapelcross -(3)

1. You are absolutely correct!

   A very good catch.

It was burning like a hell...

Somebody may argue that Soviets used 

a very high purity graphite.

Well, British must have some advances in graphite

technology as well.


--- "Reynolds, Harold" <Harold.Reynolds@rfets.gov>


> Am I mistaken??  Wasn't it the graphite that burned

> in the Chernobly and

> Windscale fires?


> Harry

> Harold.Reynolds@RFETS.gov


> > -----Original Message-----

> > From:	Paul William Shafer

> [SMTP:paulwilliam_s@YAHOO.COM]

> > Sent:	Wednesday, July 11, 2001 11:18 PM

> > To:	Emil Murat; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

> > Subject:	Re: Graphite Quiz: Re: Chapelcross -(2)

> > 

> > Graphite is really not that flammable (try burning

> it). Without

> > going into all of the physics involved it requires

> > very high graphite internal heat to produce the

> > reaction C + 02    -------   CO.  


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