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Palm Pilot applications

Kevin Pearce wrote:

"I am looking for thumb rules, calculations and any other references for

radiological controls that are set up for the Palm Pilot. Any ideas?"

Kevin (and others who may be interested, too!)

Our company has developed an application specifically for the Palm Pilot, 

called RC Decay. This nifty little program is a "mini" application that 

calculates the decay of radioactive materials, and includes a database of 

the 497 Kocher-listed isotopes.  This application will soon be available 

for free download at our website (not quite sure when it will be available, 

but soon, I am told; keep checking the website--it should be up and 

available soon).

RC Decay is just one of the new pieces of software we recently showcased at 

the HPS meeting; others (currently available only for PC, but Palm versions 

are in the works) are RadCalc, Nuclear Medicine Patient Release 

Software,  and ReSource (source tracking software).  We also have a new 

"miniaturized" radiation detection system--the URSA (which stands for 

Universal Radiation Spectrum Analyzer).  Paul is working on a Palm version 

of the software that "runs" the URSA!!

Check out the website: radpro.com;  most of the information about URSA and 

the software is posted there, too, and the free downloads will be available 

in the VERY near future!




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