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LNT, Global Warming and Science

I would like to interject something at this point if I may.

The principles of "pure" science are found.  That is, state the problem,

identify the variables.  Allow only one variable to change at a time, and

compare all of your results to a control group.

However agenda oriented research is almost inherent in human nature, and

very difficult to overcome.  Every person has a belief or opinion about

every thing or subject.  We often unconciously select those "facts" that

support that conclusion, and disregard others as irrelavent, or worse yet,

attribute them to being anomolies.  In my opinion, there is no such thing as

an anomoly.  It is simply that there is an unknown variable that you have

not yet identified.

However, this becomes extremely difficult in the area of human health risk.

Since no two humans have the same confounding factors, there is no TRUE

control group.  The low levels of exosures result in theoretical risks that

fall within the error terms of lifestyle differences of the exposed


We currently do not have the ability to forecast weather that will occur

within the next 24 hours with 100 % accuracy.  Yet many claim that they are

certain about what the future holds.

We must all keep an open mind, and a watchful eye.  Let us not be caught up

in selecting only that research, or those opinions that support our own

beliefs.  If we do that, we have failed at the discipline of science,

Remember that; The mind is like a parachute, It only functions when open.

Have a nice day

Jim Stokes RRPT


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