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RE: Baltimore Tunnel Incident Comment

And this a new revelation?

-- John 

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist 

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD  20715-2024

E-mail:  jenday1@email.msn.com (H)      

-----Original Message-----

From: Lavera, Ron [mailto:RLavera@ENTERGY.COM]

Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:13 AM

To: 'radsafe'

Subject: Baltimore Tunnel Incident Comment

The following is in regards to the recent Baltimore tunnel fire.  

We transport thousands of tank cars of dangerous chemicals like chlorine

gas, hydrochloric acid and a host of other chemicals that are either strong

carcinogens or will rot out your lungs, and yet the concern is about

radioactive material.  

I have difficulty understanding the selective paranoia.

. . .


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