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Re: " Canada: Nuclear `Absolutely' Out "

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Franta, Jaroslav <frantaj@AECL.CA>

An: Radsafe (E-mail) <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Datum: Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2001 22:45

Betreff: RE: " Canada: Nuclear `Absolutely' Out "

>Franz wrote on Tuesday July 24, 2001 6:18 PM


>>But we also have great pollution problems in our major cities - especially

>>Toronto - due to fossil fuel use,


>The nuclear driven car seems to remain science fiction......


>Jaro replies:


>One needs to have some idea of where the main pollution problem lies -- for

>instance :


>The Toronto Star, July 21, 2001

>Utilities Top New List of Polluters

>A shocking amount of air pollution is coming from the coal and oil-burning

>power plants across Canada and the United States, a new report reveals. The

>electricity sector is the biggest industrial polluter in North America,

>according to the report from the Commission for Environmental Co-operation,

>a NAFTA watchdog agency. [NAFTA = North American Free Trade Accord]

>Ontario Power Generation's Nanticoke plant on Lake Erie was ranked as

Dear Jaro,

I do not have any data available myself and I have to believe the ones put

forward by a newspaper. But: How much "data" has been put forward by

anti-nuclear groups on massmedia to show, that nuclear power and even

drinking water is deadly dangerous?

If we doubt what is put forward by mass media on the dangers of

radioactivity and nuclear power we also have to doubt what is put forward on

other dangers and risks. Let us keep a sceptical view on both sides - not

only on one. To use horror mass media reports of "experts" on issues other

than nuclear power to counterweight the horror reports on nuclear issues

would deprive us of any credibility.

Mass media need sensations - whether they are real or not. And any horror

about xxxx spoiled in an area will be a sensation. Then some scientists will

argue about it, the mass media will report that the experts have divergent

opinions - and then the next story about yyyy will be published.

Take it easy, collegues. On an average all these sensations will equal out

to become, what they are: Of no importance. - Like the current climate

change discussion?



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