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RE: NRC interpretations? Security for one...
I have a copy of the original Federal Register announcement of the
implementation of 10 CFR 20, of may 21, 1991. Under section VI. Summary of
Public Comments and Changes from Proposed Rule, Subpart I -- Storage and
Control of Licensed Material:
Comment: Definition of "secure." . . .
Response: The phase has been rearranged and now reads "secure from
unauthorized removal or access," which is similar to the wording in the Part
20. This should provide clarification of what was intended by "secure."
Comment: Unnecessary restrictions on research. One commenter thought that
the requirement to secure small quantities of radioactive materials when
they are not in use would interfere with university research.
Response: The Commission believes that locking radiotracer laboratories
when they are not being used is a small nuisance compared to the
consequences of unauthorized access to or theft of the radioactive
materials, which could result in contamination of unrestricted areas or
exposure of individuals, as well as having to report a loss of licensed
material to the NRC.
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
3050 Traymore Lane
Bowie, MD 20715-2024
E-mail: jenday1@email.msn.com (H)
-----Original Message-----
From: carol marcus [mailto:csmarcus@ucla.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:07 PM
To: Brian Olson; radsafe-digest@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Re: NRC interpretations? Security for one...
At 09:49 AM 8/7/01 -0500, Brian Olson wrote:
>Dear Radsafe: Unlike OSHA, I cannot find any NRC interpretations for their
>Does anyone have interpretation literature or official clarification
>language pertaining to 10CFR20.1801 and 1802? I am aware of the search
>capabilities at the NRC website and have reviewed their enforcement records
>pertaining to the issue - which is a good reference.
. . .
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