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Emissions Cuts Save Lives, New Study Says
Draw your own conclusions, the article doesn't mention the obvious one.
--Susan Gawarecki
Emissions Cuts Save Lives, New Study Says
Reducing air pollution would improve health
By Solana Pyne
August 17, 2001
Cutting emissions of greenhouse gases will not only help stall predicted
global warming but will save lives almost immediately by reducing air
pollution, researchers report in today's issue of the journal Science.
The researchers examined health effects of reducing greenhouse gas
emissions in New York City; Mexico City; Santiago, Chile; and Sao Paulo,
Brazil. They found that using readily available technologies to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions would also cut emissions of pollutants, because
both are released when fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas
are burned. Those reductions would prevent 64,000 premature deaths,
65,000 cases of chronic bronchitis and 37 million person-days of
restricted activity in just those four cities over the next 19 years,
the report said. A "person-day" refers to one day of activity for one
The air in New York is generally cleaner than in the other three cities,
said George Thurston, a co- author of the paper and an associate
professor of environmental medicine at New York University School of
Medicine. However, the city's pollution is proportionally more toxic, he
said, because it contains a greater proportion of smaller pollutants,
tend to cause more health damage.
In the United States, reducing emissions from older coal-fired power
plants could save 18,700 lives and prevent 3 million lost workdays and
16 million restrained-activity days each year, according to estimates
the researchers cited in the paper.
The recent study looks at the climate debate from an angle different
from most. Many of the common arguments for slashing emissions of
greenhouse gases focus on avoiding the potentially apocalyptic, but less
immediate, effects of global climate change: flooding, landslides,
frequent and severe hurricanes, among other catastrophic environmental
The strategies the researchers of the study examined to reduce the
emissions of greenhouse gases and pollution are not extreme, Thurston
said. "A lot of it is just Yankee common sense, like trying to use more
efficient modes of transportation."
The so-called ancillary benefits associated with lower pollution could
also make reducing greenhouse gas emissions more economical, because so
much would be saved in health care costs, Thurston said. Developing
countries also might decrease greenhouse gas emissions while aiming to
clean their air.
Developing countries such as China, which generates 80 percent of its
energy from coal-fired plants, and India "are concerned with air
pollutants," said Dale Jorgenson, a professor of economics at Harvard
University. "They have a great desire to improve their own air quality.
They will therefore be paying attention to the ancillary benefits issue
with a view toward improving air quality."
The major pollutants - carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxides, sulfur dioxide and tiny particles called particulate matter -
are all released as fossil fuels are burned.
All can damage health, though the subtle health effects have not been
rigorously studied in all cases.
This study looked only at the effects of particulate matter and ozone.
Ozone forms when pollutants and other compounds mix in the atmosphere,
and it is linked to asthma and lung problems.
Copyright (c) 2001, Newsday, Inc.
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Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
A schedule of meetings on DOE issues is posted on our Web site
http://www.local-oversight.org/meetings.html - E-mail loc@icx.net
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