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Symposium on Mixed and Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Posted for Phil Williams - address below
Symposium on Mixed and Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Pearl River Hilton, Pearl River, NY; Thursday, October 25, 2001
We are pleased to invite you to a special meeting, sponsored by the
International Isotope Society (IIS), and the IIS Low Level Radioactive
Waste (LLRW) committee. The meeting will include speakers from
regulatory, university and other research institutions. Their talks will
focus on the current status of regulatory issues and treatment
technology for mixed and low-level radioactive waste, especially related
to pharmaceutical and
biomedical research. The primary focus of the meeting will be waste
containing tritium or carbon-14.
A copy of this announcement, registration materials, an agenda, and
information about travel and accommodation at Pearl River may be
downloaded from the site:
The meeting will be held at the Pearl River Hilton, in Pearl River, NY,
on October 25, 2001. Registration and continental breakfast will begin
at 7:30 a.m. The presentations will start at 8:00 a.m. and end by 3:30
p.m. Please note that this is a distinct and separate function from the
19th Meeting of the IIS Northeast Chapter which you might be attending.
The regular IIS scientific program will commence immediately after the
Mixed and LLR Waste Symposium. To attend the "Symposium on Mixed and
Low-Level Radioactive Waste", please complete the appropriate sections
of the registration form and return it. The registration fee of $80.00
includes morning and afternoon refreshments and a buffet lunch on
October 25.
The difficulties associated with managing mixed waste have had a
significant negative impact on our type of work, and are
greatly influencing the future health of life sciences research with
radioisotopes. Similarly the unpredictable LLRW picture has
caused projects to be curtailed or terminated. We hope that this meeting
will provide up-to-date information on regulatory issues
and technology for dealing with the challenges of these problems. We are
looking forward to a very stimulating symposium and
your help in developing sensible solutions to two major industry
problems. Please contact Philip Williams at 510-486-7336
PGWilliams@lbl.gov or Larry Weaner at 215-628-5604 LWeaner@prius.jnj.com
if you have questions.
* Dr. Philip G. Williams * Mailstop 75-123 *
* Co-Principal Investigator * *
* National Tritium Labelling Facility * 510/486-7336: Voice *
* E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * 510/486-4877: Fax *
* One Cyclotron Road * *
* Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A. * PGWilliams@LBL.GOV *
* World Wide Web . . . http://www.lbl.gov/LBL-Programs/NTLF/ *
* A NIH Supported Resource Center *** A DOE National User Facility *
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