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Re: Contaminated Scaffold Knuckles - Turkey Point
Joe Heckman wrote:
> For the purposes of transportation, materials with concentrations of less than
> 2 nCi/gram are not radioactive materials. --
Strange, but I remember the reasons for and the act of setting the limit for
radioactive materials at 100 nCi per gram. I know that a lot of people want to
make it lower (so what else is new! The linear Mafia always wants it lower and
lower, down to the point of utter ridiculousness as far as the signal-to-noise
ratio is concerned!). So I usually stay away from that EPA, NRC, DOE, linear
Mafia nonsense. Well, here I go: When did that factor of 50 (2 Orders of
Magnitude!!) happen and how? And why did some people with a modicum of common
horse sense not raise hell?
Best regards
" The American Republic will endure until the day Congress
discovers that it can bribe the Public with the Public's money."
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America
Fritz A. Seiler, Ph.D.
Sigma Five Consulting
P.O. Box 1709
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