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LNT clarification
There has been lots of speculation and generic commentary here about LNT.
I'd like to try to cut to the chase.
First, the only significant question is whether LDI (low dose irradiation)
is harmful or not. All of the data and argument about the higher levels is
not at issue. The NCRP, ICRP and BEIR reports focus on the high-level
radiation because they have lots of data and they can speak with confidence.
But there is no disagreement about the higher levels.
Second, John Jacobus insists I tell whether I "practice what I preach."
This is irrelevant. It may show whether I am hypocritical, but it says
nothing about whether I am right. Nicolai Tesla, the eccentric genius,
believed that germs follow an LNT model--the next one you pick up might be
the one that kills you. He diligently practiced what he preached. He wore
gloves and wiped off doorknobs with great bunches of nakpins he carried for
the purpose. He was sincere in his belief, but he was wrong for the same
reason that radiation LNTers are wrong. The body abounds with germs and
with radiation. Adding one more is not signficant. Whether you get sick
depends on the state of your body's defenses. I have been using the term
"immune system" as a popular shortcut to include all the body's
anti-mutagenic systems. There is the use of anti-oxidants to prevent the
initial damage. (Nearly all "radiation-induced damage" is caused by free
radicals. The radiation very seldom directly impacts the tiny nucleus.
Generally it damages by ionizing atoms in the cell which then go on to make
the mischief. Thus damage by radiation occurs the same was as from
metabolism. But for each mutation caused by radiation, several million are
caused by metabolism. Thus the effort to reduce the number of radiation
impacts is inconsequential. And anything that improves the effectiveness of
the body's defenses--preventing the damage, enhancing the repair processes,
or eliminating the damaged cells through apoptosis, or cell death, decreases
the number of residual damaged cells by affecting not only those cells
damaged by radiation, but the much larger number damaged by routine
metabolism. This decrease has been repeatedly measured in the laboratory.
For the record, I do act on my belief in hormesis. I take a number of
deadly poisons every day--selenium, boron, manganese, copper--because I know
they are beneficial at low levels although lethal at high levels. And I get
vaccinated even though I know that a large number of those germs could kill
me. But I cannot get a doctor to administer LDI because of the ruling
presence of LNT. But I have been to radon spas and drunk the water until my
breath measured one mrad/hour. I have worked hard to get LDI for friends
with "terminal" cancer. I succeeded in one case, and he's well, but the
other two died, treated by "conventional best practice." But this does not
prove I am right.
All the generic speculation as to whether hormesis exists and is effective,
and whether it is impossible to determine the effects of LDI, do little to
resolve the question. Science has a straightforward procedure in these
matters. We have experimental papers, written by credible scientists in
prestigious laboratories, reported in peer-reviewed mainstream journals,
that claim they have demonstrated in replicable, statistically-significant
data that LDI is beneficial. The only proper response to this situation is
to accept those results and that conclusion, or to demonstrate that these
papers contain specific fundamental flaws that invalidate the conclusion.
This the NCRP, ICRP and BEIR reports consistently refuse to do.
The only studies they have attempted to refute are Bernie Cohen's many radon
studies. But their criticisms are generic speculations that this type of
study tends to have certain limitations and weaknesses. Interesting but not
definitive. No one has shown that these generic limitations exist in
Cohen's study to such an extent as to invalidate his conclusions. They
dismiss his reports, saying "They have been widely criticized." But they
have not been refuted. They have not been invalidated. And thus they still
Note that they have not even tried to prove that LDI is harmful. As I've
quoted more than once, their case is:
"Few experimental studies, and essentially no human data, can be said to
prove or even to provide direct support for the concept……It is conceptually
possible, but with a vanishingly small probability, that any of these
effects could result from the passage of a single charged particle, causing
damage to DNA that could be expressed as a mutation or small deletion. It
is a result of this type of reasoning that a linear nonthreshold
dose-response relationship cannot be excluded." [emphasis added]
I've been told "I don't read these hormesis reports, because these people
have already made up their minds." The state of their mind is irrelevant.
The data and the conclusions must be refuted, and they have not been. In
most cases, the reports are not even cited by NCRP et al, though the reports
have been officially submitted. This is not honest, competent science.
If you believe that practicing what you preach is important, let me tell you
about the news conference accompanying the release of the BEIR-VI report on
radon. A media representative asked: "I would like each member of the
committee to say what he has done about the radon in his own home." After
much embarrassed fumbling, with each member urging others to go first, Roger
McClellan of the committee said, "Well, I don't smoke, so I don't think I'm
in danger." Finally the chairman, Jon Samet, said, "Well I tested my
house." The media rep said, "And...what did you find and what did you do
about it?" Samet muttered a few indistinct phrases, and then said that he
didn't think he had much of a problem. These are the people who tell us
that radon is killing 21,800 people each year in the US, and presumably a
comparable proportion of the other 96% of the world's population. Yet they
are in no case sufficiently concerned to spend the $15 necessary to
determine whether this "important public health problem" exists in their own
What does that tell us about their sincerity and honesty?
We have to stop generalizing about this problem and look at the data. Even
the data of Sternglass, Wing, Stewart and others who tell us we're killing
people--even their own data shows that nuclear workers and downwinders have
greater longevity and less cancer than the unirradiated population. They
have to torture the data to make it lie. People get upset when I say that
our policy is based on dishonest science. But when I ask why they do not
comment on the draft documents during the public comment period, they tell
me "Oh, that won't help. We all know how it's going to come out."
Ted Rockwell
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