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RE: "Are you a statistician?"
Dr. Nelson responded to me privately rather quickly after I bounced the "Are you
a statistician?" question back at him with the information that he is recent
Ph.D. in Epidemiology with 35 hours of Biostatistics coursework. He said the
Cohen radon data/analysis debate had been studied as a class project in Advanced
Epidemiology. He did not indicate where his degree is from or who was teaching
the Advanced Epi course.
I think that is a sufficient basis for an interesting discussion about radon
epidemiology, if Dr. Nelson can get past pulling rank and belittling those who
disagree with him.
Best regards.
Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my
management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Muckerheide [mailto:muckerheide@MEDIAONE.NET]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 3:28 PM
To: Doug Huffman; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Re: "Are you a statistician?"
> From: "Doug Huffman" <dhuffman@awod.com>
> Oh well. Another *plonk* Norm was lonesome I'm sure. The question "are
> you a statistician" is still open but I won't see the answer.
> The conspiracy of ignorance masquerades as common sense.
But at least it's the "Emperor with no clothes" costume! :-)
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