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Re: Opportunity for response

Jim, Thanks for the links.  They're good info.  I read the USAToday

article.  For an interesting perspective written by the First Selectman of

Waterford, CT, see:


This whole spent fuel thing has turned into a three ring circus.  Many

worry about the possibility that an attack on a spent fuel pool could cause

a regional and national disaster.  In Ring # 1, local residents near

nuclear reactors don't want it in their back yard.  They'd bear the brunt

of any calamity.    But wait!!    In Ring # 2, Greenpeace et al say "We

can't ship it either."  (Fears of "Mobile Chernobyl",).   And in Ring # 3,

Nevadans say, "Not in by back yard."   Nuclear plant operators want to get

rid of it like the original plan called for.  Will Nevada secede from the

Union?  I'm just having a blast watching it all.


Just an analog guy in a digital world.

Paul Prichard

Millstone Station


(860) 437-2806


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