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Health Physics Journal Feb 2002 TOC
Hi all
Here is the Feb 2002 Table of Contents for the HP Journal. For more information on the journal, see http://www.health-physics.com/
-Bruce Busby
Health Physics
The Radiation Safety Journal
February 2002, Volume 82, Number 2
On the cover: Workers shown size-reducing one of 60 contaminated plutonium
gloveboxes that were included in the scope of a decommissioning project
conducted at Argonne National Laboratory. See article by W. J. Munyon and
M. B. Lee on page XX for more information.
Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Project
Ken Kasper
Page - 139
A Consistent Radionuclide Vector After the Chernobyl Accident
Konrad Mück, Gerhard Pröhl, Ilya Likhtarev, Lina Kovgan, Reinhard Meckbach, and
Vladislav Golikov
Page - 141
Reconstruction of the Inhalation Dose in the 30-KM Zone After the Chernobyl Accident
Konrad Mück, Gerhard Pröhl, Ilya Likhtarev, Lina Kovgan, Vladislav Golikov, and
Johann Zeger
Page - 157
Reconstruction of the Ingestion Doses Received by the Population Evacuated from the Settlements in the 30-KM Zone Around the Chernobyl Reactor
Gerhard Pröhl, Konrad Mück, Ilya Likhtarev, Lina Kovgan, and Vladislav Golikov
Page - 173
A Model for a Comprehensive Assessment of Exposure and Lifetime Cancer Incidence Risk from Plutonium Released from the Rocky Flats Plant, 1953-1989
Arthur S. Rood, Helen A. Grogan, and John E. Till
Page - 182
Tritium Doses from Chronic Atmospheric Releases: A New Approach Proposed for Regulatory Compliance
S-R. Peterson and P. A. Davis
Page - 213
Radiation Dose Implications of Airborne Contaminant Deposition to Humans
K. G. Andersson, C. L. Fogh, M. A. Byrne, J. Roed, A. J. H. Goddard, and S. A. M. Hotchkiss
Page - 226
Monte Carlo Estimation of Absorbed Dose to Organs in Computed Tomography
M. Alonso, T. Barriuso, M. J. Castañeda, N. Díaz-Caneja, I. Gutiérrez, and E. Villar
Page - 233
Elevated Exposure Rates Under Inclined Birch Trees Indicate the Occurrence of Rainfall During Radioactive Fallout from Chernobyl
V. F. Stepanenko, Yu. I. Gavrilin, V. P. Snykov, V. E. Shevchuk, H. Y. Göksu, P. G. Voillequé, and M. Yu. Orlov
Page - 240
Summary of Stationary and Personal Air Sampling Measurements Made During a Plutonium Glovebox Decommissioning Project
W. J. Munyon and M. B. Lee
Page - 244
Conversion Coefficients Based on the VIP-Man Anatomical Model for Photons
Maria Zankl and Nina Petoussi-Henss
Page - 254
Response to Zankl and Petoussi-Henss
T. C. Chao and X. G. Xu
Page - 255
Response to Klaus Becker: Review of NCRP 136
Arthur C. Upton
Page - 256
Evaluation of the Linear-Nonthreshold Dose-Response Model for Ionizing Radiation
Reviewed by Klaus Becker
Page - 257
Medical Management of Radiation Accidents, Second Edition
Reviewed by Michael T. Ryan
Page - 258
Errata Page - 259
News and Notices Page - 260
Health Physics Society Prospectus
Health Physics Society Affiliate Members
Author Guidelines Appears at the back of this issue
Advertisers Guide Appears at the back of this issue
Advertisers Index Appears at the back of this issue
Up and Coming Appears at the back of this issue