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RE: Good bye, Norman Cohen!
I actually had no idea how many postings there were from him (and a couple
of others whose constant negativity or pap I tired of) until I had to empty
my "deleted" box yesterday because it was full. Sounds like I wasn't missing
Jack Earley
Radiological Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: High Plains Drifter [mailto:magna1@jps.net]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 8:21 PM
To: Franz Schoenhofer; Norman Cohen; radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Subject: Re: Good bye, Norman Cohen!
Ditto, Norm.
"In science there is only physics; everything else is stamp collecting."
--Ernest Rutherford
Dean Chaney, CHP, IBA (aka High Plains Drifter)
Fairfield, CA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Franz Schoenhofer" <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>
To: "Norman Cohen" <ncohen12@HOME.COM>; <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 1:01 PM
Subject: Good bye, Norman Cohen!
> Private:
> Franz Schoenhofer
> Habicherg. 31/7
> A-1160 Vienna, AUSTRIA
> Phone: -43 699 11681319
> e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@chello.at
> Office:
> MR Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
> Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
> Dep. I/8U, Radiation Protection
> Radetzkystr. 2
> A-1031 Vienna, AUSTRIA
> phone: +43-1-71100-4458
> fax: +43-1-7122331
> e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@bmu.gv.at
> Hi Norman,
> It is time to say good bye! Quite a few RADSAFErs told me that your
> are deleted automatically when reaching their inbox. Now I will try to
> activate this feature on my mailserver or whatever this is called. If I do
> not succeed - which is very likely - I promise you that I will delete any
> message coming from you, without reading it.
> Norman, you have abused out patience (or my patience) too much. You simply
> do not understand, when it is time to give up. You scaled down your level
> contribution, from items where I personally thought you were interested in
> facts like the CTBTO to "Lochbaum" (who is that?) and having to ask him
> his opinion and finally to finance.yahoo. You have nothing to contribute
> RADSAFE any more. Your last contribution on the KI pills I have read (in
> Austria!!!) long before for instance at the IAEA website and others. Why
> don't you understand that you cannot provide anything new to RADSAFE and
> that your objections to whatever you have put forward have been answered
> extensively by RADSAFErs?
> Your request to keep out your wife and your kids out of discussion is
> ridiculous. First of all you have directed your answer to the RADSAFE
> Secondly I have questioned some time ago, whether you are financed by the
> antis and you proudly (this is my personal opinion) stated, that you are
> financed by such groups like Sternglass and whatever your celebrities are,
> but by your wife. I now learn, that your wife uses a disability pension to
> support you and your children. As a European and Austrian I have to say,
> that in my country disability pensions for women are not intended to
> men to work for pressure groups, whatever they press for. In Europe men
> supposed to work and earn a living for their children and their wives, in
> case women are not able to support themselves. You may run into big
> unless your wife accepts everything that Mr. Macho decides.
> >Radsafers are free to read or ignore my postings.
> No, when you have nothing to contribute to the list according to the goal
> the list you should refrain from posting to it. If you were a little
> you would have since long found out that your postings are not
> >
> >I'm not clear what insulting Macho/Non-Working/Wife-Supported Norm does
> >further discussion on this list.
> >Or maybe you are jealous of my left over sixties hippie no good left wing
> >socialist commie lifestyle! ;-)
> No, I am not, I have a beard since 1966, but I have never been a hippie,
> a left wing socialist. This is your US-American problem, not mine.
> >
> >BTW, we have 4 children, two from Karen's 1st marriage, who are grown
> on
> >their own, and two girls, Natalie and Amber, ages 10 and 7. My main role,
> when
> >not being a radsafe 'gadfly' is house husband to them.
> >My wife is on disability and cannot work or drive. We are lucky that here
> in the
> >USA she has both a disbility pension and social security that enables us
> live
> >a decent life and allows me to work for peanuts as an 'anti'.
> >
> >Please keep my wife and kids out of the discussion.
> You brought them in, not I.
> I would be ashamed, not to work and to live on my wifes disability pension
> (this is hypothetically, because I am not married since long anymore and
> have been able to raise my children to "maturity" without financial
> contribution of my former wife and in spite of a terrible high amount of
> debts.)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> It is in my opinion very important to know the personal background of
> historians, artists etc. to understand their work. So Norman, you came now
> finally out with your personal history. Get a job, work, earn your living
> and then post to RADSAFE again!
> Good bye!
> Franz
> ************************************************************************
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