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RE: Re: Radon - recent articles supporting risk at residential exposures
I assume you mean is that there is no correlation of health problems and
radon levels in homes based on ecological data. I would think this is
different from correlating measurements in homes and observed health
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
3050 Traymore Lane
Bowie, MD 20715-2024
E-mail: jenday1@email.msn.com (H)
-----Original Message-----
From: Otto G. Raabe [mailto:ograabe@UCDAVIS.EDU]
. . .
At 05:35 PM 1/6/02 -0600, John Williams wrote:
>...it is very hard to show cause and effect with ecologic
January 6, 2002
What ecological data show clearly, there is no public health problem
associated with radon in homes!
. . .
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