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Re: Track etch on glass, Bill Field
Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Phone: -43 699 11681319
e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@chello.at
MR Dr. Franz Schoenhofer
Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Dep. I/8U, Radiation Protection
Radetzkystr. 2
A-1031 Vienna, AUSTRIA
phone: +43-1-71100-4458
fax: +43-1-7122331
e-mail: franz.schoenhofer@bmu.gv.at
I received the following mail from Bill Field and forward it to you.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: field <bill-field@uiowa.edu>
An: "Franz Schoenhofer" <franz.schoenhofer@CHELLO.AT>
Datum: Donnerstag, 10. Jänner 2002 06:06
Betreff: Track etch on glass
>A friend forwarded your email concerning glass measurements to me.
>I have been working on glass-based measurements with Dr Dan Steck for many
>years. These are two of our more recent publications. Others are in the
>R.W. Field, D.J. Steck, M.A. Parkhurst, J.A. Mahaffey, and M.C.R. Alavanja.
>"Intercomparison of retrospective radon detectors". Environmental Health
>Perspectives 107(11),901-904; 1999
>D.J. Steck and R.W. Field. "The use of track registration detectors to
>reconstruct contemporary and historical airborne radon ( 222Rn) and radon
>progeny concentrations for a radon-lung cancer study" Radiation
>Also, see:
Feel free to post these
>references and site if you wish.
>Regards, Bill Field
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