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ZERO restenosis "observed"

At 11:58 PM 1/28/02 +0100, Franz Schoenhofer wrote:

>How about giving a reference for that, probably from a peer reviewed

>journal? The claim, that a chemically coated stent would be 100 % effective

>in preventing restenosis I can only regard as a funny joke.


January 28, 2002

Read more details at http://www.cordis.com/News_Ravel_Study.cfm

Stockholm, Sweden (September 4, 2001) -- Cordis, the Johnson & Johnson

(NYSE: JNJ) company that

pioneered cardiovascular stents, reported today results from a landmark

European clinical trial suggesting

the CYPHERâ„¢ Sirolimus-eluting Stent dramatically reduces late loss and the

incidence of restenosis

(re-blockage of arteries) TO ZERO after placement in patients with coronary

artery disease. Known as the

RAVEL* study, this clinical trial involved 238 patients at 19 centers

across Europe and Latin America.....




Prof. Otto G. Raabe, Ph.D., CHP

Center for Health & the Environment

(Street Address: Bldg. 3792, Old Davis Road) 

University of California, Davis, CA 95616

E-Mail: ograabe@ucdavis.edu

Phone: (530) 752-7754   FAX: (530) 758-6140
