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Thanks for posting this article.  I do hope that the two UN programs do make

this information known, and hope it does not get lost in the crisis of the

day, i.e., ENRON, campaign reform, Brittany Spears, etc.  This is

information the public should know.

However, my understanding is that the increase in thyriod cancers is due to

the uptake of radioiodines.  Again, this should be laid at the local

authorities for not issuing an immedicate on-site emergency announcement,

ordering an immedicate evacuation, and protection of the food supply.

-- John

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD 20715-2024

jenday1@email.msn.com (H)


Jim Muckerheide wrote:

. . .

Another note on victimizing the public by the false fears of radiation.

Regards, Jim



by Dr. Roger Bate, from TechCentralStation.com, Jan 24, 2002

or with links:



The UN Development Programme and UNICEF have finally admitted in a new

report what many scientists and policy wonks have known for years.

Chernobyl killed thousands -- not from radiation, but from policy based on

radiophobic hysteria.  (Editor's note:  he two organizations have yet to

make the report available on their websites.)

. . .

There were no early death cases among the public.  Apart from increase in

thyroid cancer registry (probably due to increased screening rather than a

real increase in incidence) there is no evidence of a major public health

impact related to the ionizing radiation 15 years after the accident.  No

increase of overall cancer incidence or mortality that could be associated

with radiation exposure has been observed.  Many more deaths were induced by

poor policies based on outdated scientific understanding.  . . .


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