In a former life, I worked 13 years in Nuclear Effects engineering for a
defense firm and vulnerability of plastics to various levels of radiation was
a major effort, including degradation as well as enhancement of thermal and
physical stability due to ionizing radiation. The Nuclear and Space
Radiation Effects branch of the IEEE has a substantial library of papers on
this topic. You will probably be able to do a minimal web search to find
the specific info you seek. I believe Sandia (Phillips lab, etc.) has
done some research on plastics and radiation. The effects
depend on the type of plastic.
Examples of info: A few megarads crosslinks molecules of
polyethlyene, making it stronger. The same few megarads turn teflon into
John C. White
Assistant Director
Radiation Safety Officer
Environmental Health and Safety
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
The above communication represents views of the author only. No
representation of The University of Texas is intended or implied.
>From: "Guinn, Charles D"
>Reply-To: "Guinn, Charles D"
>To: "RADSAFE ListServe (E-mail)"
>Subject: Degradation of plastic from radiation levels
>Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:06:29 -0700
>Is there anyone out there who might know an approximate
radiation level that
>would cause the degradation of plastic (i.e., plastic bags)?
>Charles D. Guinn, CHP, RRPT
>Sandia National Laboratories
>PO Box 5800 MS0651
>Albuquerque, NM 87185-0651
>(505) 284-4027 FAX: (505) 844-8313