Radsafe Folks -- I would like to note that I have heard again from X, who previously said my RadSafe writeup about my whistleblower experiences left "a sour taste in his mouth" and that such a posting on RadSafe was "unprofessional". X now says that my quoting his private words publicly, albeit without mentioning his name, demonstrated to him all over again my unprofessionalism. I have also heard from a person I'll call Y. I can't tell you exactly what he said, because he absolutely forbade me to quote any part of it (!). Therefore I will paraphrase. Y said that my writeup left a lemonlike sensation in his buccal orifice as well; that I had taken up others' time yet again with my idiosyncratic list of items; that while he offered good wishes in my legal proceedings, if he were judging this he would probably find my claims to be groundless; and that he perceived from my writeup that I was a rock projector type who did not play well with others. He stated that he hoped that this experience would be instructive for me and that I would play better with others in the future. I have also heard from some more people who wrote to encourage me. Most of these people included practical suggestions, such as particular congressmen to write or approaches to take to future job-hunting, and some told of experiences of their own that made my narrative ring true to them. My feeling about safety people has been that most have what I call a "protective impulse". I think that this is a constructive and pro-people attitude to have. It seems to me that the positive people demonstrate this impulse in their statements to me about my case, while the negative people, although they may demonstrate this attitude in their work, have not done so with me. They have not pointed to any specific thing I said that did not ring true. e.g., to any statement I made that sounded as if I haven't really tried to work with operational management or as if a particular event I related was improbable. I keep saying that the devil is in the details. That is why I provided them. |