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Could I ask users to please cut out only the specific portion of a previous
post that they are responding to and include it with their comments (instead
of the entire post, possibly with previous posts)? Putting a two line
comment before a 30 page post creates a lot of unnecessary clutter in the
archives and bogs down many users' in boxes and/or modems. It also can make
it hard for others to follow your line of reasoning ("to what was (s)he
I would also suggest that a lot of messages recently fall into the "yeah,
me, too" category, which as well create unnecesary clutter, and could be
avoided or at least sent off list. Thanks for your consideration.
Michael G. Stabin, PhD, CHP
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Vanderbilt University
1161 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37232-2675
Phone (615) 343-0068
Fax (615) 322-3764
e-mail michael.g.stabin@vanderbilt.edu
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