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RE: Deer With High Radiation Level Found at BNL
Ann Givens and Bill Field wrote
-----Original Message-----
From: R. William Field [mailto:bill-field@UIOWA.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 6:55 PM
To: RadSafe
Subject: Deer With High Radiation Level Found at BNL
Franz, from the quote below it looks like cesium-137 was detected in the
"The deer tested last week had 21 picocuries of radiation from cesium in its
Deer With High Radiation Level Found at BNL
By Ann Givens
February 17, 2002
A 2-year-old deer found on the Brookhaven National Laboratory's campus had
more than twice as much radiation in its body as any deer the lab has
This raises concerns for lab officials, who thought they had either fenced
off or cleaned up most of the site's radioactive material.
The deer, which lab officials said had been hit by a car, was tested last
week. Lab officials routinely test deer that die on the property. Of the 120
deer the lab has tested since 1992, none has had more than 11 picocuries of
radiation from the chemical cesium in its system. The deer tested last week
had 21 picocuries of radiation from cesium in its system.
Copyright (c) 2002, Newsday, Inc.
Using data from Kathren's Radioactivity in the Environment:
A 70 kg man will have 140 kg of potassium in his body. The potassium will
have a potassium-40 specific activity of 855 pCi of K-40 per gram of K.
That gives our 70 kg man, 855*140 = 119700 pCi of potassium-40 in his
system. The deer might not have weighed quite 70 kg, but the chances are it
had around 100,000 pCi of K-40 in its body. If we used femtoCuries, we
could say it had 100,000,000 fCi of K-40 "in its system".
Am I missing something here? Are we lost in the noise? Maybe it IS about
Best regards.
Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my
management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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