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Meeting of the Lake Mead Chapter of the Health Physics Society
- To: "Alan Marchand (E-mail)" <marchaar@nv.doe.gov>, "Alfred G Ogurek (E-mail)" <OGUREKAG@nv.doe.gov>, "Andrea Gile (E-mail)" <gileal@nv.doe.gov>, "Angela Colarusso (E-mail)" <colarusso@nv.doe.gov>, "Anthony Hechanova (E-mail)" <hechanov@nevada.edu>, "Augdahl, Robert (E-mail)" <augdahrt@nv.doe.gov>, "Bert Cochran (E-mail)" <cochrabc@nv.doe.gov>, "Bill Carl (E-mail)" <Bill_Carl@ymp.gov>, "Bill Johnson (E-mail)" <wjohnson@ccmail.nevada.edu>, "Billy Smith (E-mail)" <Bsmith629@aol.com>, "C. Riland (E-mail)" <c-riland@mci2000.com>, "C. Riland (E-mail 2)" <c-riland@www.mciworld.COM>, "Carl Speer (E-mail)" <CSPEER_IT@nv.doe.gov>, "Carol A. Shelton (E-mail)" <shelton_c@nv.doe.gov>, "Carole R Schoengold (E-mail)" <donaldsc@vegas.infi.net>, "Charley Watts (E-mail)" <cdwattx@earthlink.net>, "Charlotte Carter (E-mail)" <CARTERC@nv.doe.gov>, "Craig L Lyons (E-mail)" <LYONSCL@nv.doe.gov>, "Daniel Gonzalez (E-mail)" <Daniel_Gonzalez@ymp.gov>, "Darlene Fragola (E-mail)" <DFF1658@aol.com>, "David Hall (E-mail)" <halld@nv.doe.gov>, "David Hogge (E-mail)" <hogge@nevada.edu>, "David Wheeler (E-mail)" <wheelerd@nv.doe.gov>, "Dennis Armstrong (E-mail)" <armstrong_d@nv.doe.gov>, "Dixie Wells (E-mail)" <Tom_Dixie@msn.com>, "Dodie Witham (E-mail)" <withamdm@nv.doe.gov>, "Don Elle (E-mail)" <elle_d@nv.doe.gov>, "Donald M. Van Etten (E-mail)" <vanetten_dm@nv.doe.gov>, "Earl M Sorom (E-mail)" <SOROMEM@nv.doe.gov>, "F. Eugene Holly (E-mail)" <feholly@juno.com>, "Gary Chilton (E-mail)" <CHILTOGL@nv.doe.gov>, "Harvey Clark (E-mail)" <clark_hw@nv.doe.gov>, "Howard Dickson (E-mail)" <hwdickso@prodigy.net>, "Janet Cowley (E-mail)" <COWLEYJL@nv.doe.gov>, "Jeffrey Haeberlin (E-mail)" <haeberlin1@llnl.gov>, "Jim Cebe (E-mail)" <cebe@nv.doe.gov>, "Jim McCloskey (E-mail)" <MCCLOSJF@nv.doe.gov>, "Jim Metcalf (E-mail)" <nmccoy@sandia.gov>, "Joe Ginnani (E-mail)" <ginanni@nv.doe.gov>, "Joel E Jobst (E-mail)" <jobstje@juno.com>, "Joel E Jobst (E-mail 2)" <jobstje@juno.com>, "John Follette (E-mail)" <jfollette_it@nv.doe.gov>, "John Schmitt (E-mail)" <John_Schmitt@ymp.gov>, "Ken Bertrand (E-mail)" <BERTRAKJ@nv.doe.gov>, "Larry Franks (E-mail)" <TDJM55A@PRODIGY.COM>, "Larry Hatcher (E-mail)" <hatchelw@nv.doe.gov>, "Layton J O'Neill (E-mail)" <ljomjo2@aol.com>, "Lori Plummer (E-mail)" <plummer@wsi.nv.doe.gov>, "Lynn Jaussi (E-mail)" <jaussiln@nv.doe.gov>, "Maria E Alvarado (E-mail)" <alvarame@nv.doe.gov>, "Mark Krauss (E-mail)" <KRAUSSMJ@nv.doe.gov>, "Mark McMahon (E-mail)" <MCMAHOM@nv.doe.gov>, "Mark Rudin (E-mail)" <mrudin@ccmail.nevada.edu>, "Martha McCrae (E-mail)" <mmcrae@dri.edu>, "Maryla Wasiolek (E-mail)" <Maryla_Wasiolek@ymp.gov>, "Milton Chilton (E-mail)" <chilton@nv.doe.gov>, "Pat Morris (E-mail 2)" <Pat_Morris@Compuserve.com>, "Paul Dumont (E-mail)" <dumont@nevada.edu>, "Paul Hapke (E-mail)" <HAPKEPL@nv.doe.gov>, "Pauline T Hatcher (E-mail)" <HATCHEPT@nv.doe.gov>, "Rahim Ghanooni (E-mail)" <Rahim_Ghanooni@ymp.gov>, "Richard Grisham (E-mail)" <sierratech@earthlink.net>, "Richard L Waters (E-mail)" <WATERSRL@nv.doe.gov>, "Robert Augdahl (E-mail)" <augdahrt@nv.doe.gov>, "Robert Kinnison (E-mail)" <KINNISRR@nv.doe.gov>, "Robert Kinnison (E-mail)" <KINNISRR@nv.doe.gov>, "Robin Beasley [homegirl@lvcm.com] (E-mail)" <homegirl@lvcm.com>, "Robin Beasley [Rebeasley@Earthlink.Net] (E-mail)" <rbeasley_it@nv.doe.gov>, "Ronald Hansen (E-mail)" <hansenra@nv.doe.gov>, "Stacy Alderson (E-mail)" <salderson_it@nv.doe.gov>, "Stacy Junio (E-mail)" <stacy_junio@ymp.gov>, "Steve Adams (E-mail)" <sadams_it@nv.doe.gov>, "Sun-Ho Pensinger (E-mail)" <pensinge@nevada.edu>, "Ted Allen (E-mail)" <tedchp@aol.com>, "Thomas Bastian (E-mail)" <ctb@lvdi.net>, thomas_bastian@ymp.gov, "Tom Odou (E-mail)" <Tom_Dixie@msn.com>, "Tony Mason (E-mail)" <trmasonhp@aol.com>, "Walt wegst (E-mail)" <kwwegst@aol.com>, "William Suiter (E-mail)" <suitor@nv.doe.gov>, "Yun Ko Lee (E-mail)" <LEEYK@nv.doe.gov>, "'radsafe-digest'" <owner-radsafe-digest@list.vanderbilt.edu>
- Subject: Meeting of the Lake Mead Chapter of the Health Physics Society
- From: Bill_Carl@notes.ymp.gov
- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:06:49 -0800
If this is a repeat notice please ignore. thanks
---------------------- Forwarded by Bill Carl/YM/RWDOE on 03/13/2002 01:00
PM ---------------------------
SADAMS_IT@NV.DOE.GOV on 03/12/2002 07:30:18 PM
To: c.thomas.bastian@said.com, haverlin1@lnl.gov, Pfeuffsl@NV.DOE.GOV,
faillacee@ttnus.com, Maryla_Wasiolek@ymp.com, wasiolek@lanl.gov,
bill_carl@ymp.gov, augdahrt@NV.DOE.GOV, junioss@ymp.gov
Subject: Meeting of the Lake Mead Chapter of the Health Physics Society
Federal Record Status Not Determined
My fellow Health Physicist:
You are invited to attend the March meeting of the Lake Mead Chapter of the
Health Physics Society at 7:00 P.M. on March 18, 2002 in Room 131 of the
Lee Bigelow Health Sciences Building at UNLV.
The guest speaker is John Frazier, President Elect of the Health Physics
Society. John's topic is "Health Physics Education - Opportunities for
Service." He will describe the many programs of the Health Physics Society
that pertain to education including : academic education,
professional/continuing education, public education, and education programs
for Congress and Congressional staff in Washington, DC. He will also
describe opportunities for Society and Chapter members to participate in
these educational programs.
Even if you are not a member of the Lake Mead Chapter of the Health Physics
Society your attendance at this meeting is very welcome! Not that any of
you need any further inducements, but sandwiches, soft drinks, and other
liquid refreshments will be served. Please invite your colleagues who, by
some dreadful oversight on my part, did not receive an invitation.
Steve Adams
Lake Mead Chapter President