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RE: NOT Off topic


Try NUREG -1492, "Regulatory Analysis on Criteria for the Release of

Patients Administered Radioactive Material."  For Tc-99m they consider the

exposure rate of 0.0756 R/Ci-hr at 1 meter.  The typical Tc-99m-labled MDP

dose is 25 mCi.  With a physical half-life of 6 hr (worst case for Tc-99m

compounds), the radioactivity would decay before the patient could get

through security at the airport.

-- John 

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD  20715-2024

E-mail:  jenday1@email.msn.com (H)      

-----Original Message-----

From: BLHamrick@AOL.COM [mailto:BLHamrick@AOL.COM]

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 9:04 PM

To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

Subject: Re: NOT Off topic

 . . .

 Ooo!  Thanks for reminding me!  I've been meaning to ask folks if they have

any numbers on this.  I'd like to get a feel for the dose to a neighboring

airline passenger (aside from the increase in cosmic) of a patient who just

underwent some of the common diagnostic tests...or, to the neighboring

patient in the waiting room while waiting for a scan, or the person next to

a recent patient at a movie theater...Does anyone have reliable measurements

at a foot or a meter from a person who has just been injected for, or

undergone a routine bone scan, for example? 



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