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Re: Transportation Impacts
Title: Re: Transportation Impacts
Ruth Weiner
DOE didn't "truncate"
anything. Perhaps Rick Orthen should read the EIS.
It seems that it is a little difficult to read the YMP EIS. If
one goes to the YMP site and tries to find the EIS
(http://www.ymp.gov/timeline/eis/index.htm) they find this
OCRWM recently removed technical information and documents from
its Internet site. This decision reflected an awareness of the need to
protect the public following the September 11th terrorist attacks and
the need to inform the public through an open process. Although the
information was not accessible on the Internet, it remained available
to the public upon request. We are working diligently to incrementally
repost information on the Internet. If specific documents in which you
are interested are not yet re-posted, call our toll-free information
line at 1-(800) 225-6972 for information on receiving them.
Is there another way to find the EIS?
Paul lavely <lavelyp@uclink4.berkeley.edu>