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Sen. Ensign

Sen. Ensign was on CNN's Crossfire tonight talking

about Yucca Mountain.


He stated that he was not opposed to nuclear power but

that he felt that nuclear power should play a role in

our nation's energy supply.  He was just concerned

about the waste.  He further stated that he was even

more concerned about the safety of ALL Americans (not

just Nevadans) because all that waste would travel

through the entire country and put everyone at undue



In other words, he isn't fighting for the safety of

Nevadans...he is saying that he is fighting for ALL of

us because waste transport is not safe.  This is very

important, folks.  Nevada is going to try and make the

point that they are *really* concerned about my

safety, your safety, and the safety of ALL Americans.


Interesting enough, he continued to say that he

supported R&D into reprocessing  (as if it hasn't been

done for 20 years already around the world).  So I

guess he is only concerned about my safety when the

waste is being transported to Nevada but he couldn't

care less about my safety when the waste is being

transported to a reprocessing plant.


I wonder if he would be opposed to a reprocessing

plant in Nevada.


This is but another one of their creative lies to sway

public opinion away from the obvious fact that

transportation is safe.  It just burns me up to see a

Senator sit there on national television and lie

through his teeth when it is abundantely clear that he

couldn't care less about the safety of anyone living

near any transportation route.


I think this is but another obvious lie that should be

exposed because it is going to be *the* key issue that

they use to try and sway non-Nevadan public opinion.



Tim Steadham


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