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On 20 Apr 2002 at 14:48, Jerry Cohen wrote:

>  If the Chernobyl accident is indicative of "as bad as it gets", is

>  the level of concern about Indian Point really justified---

If there were the same level of incident at Indian Point as there was 

at Chernobyl, the first difference one would see is that there would 

be public notification of a problem, unlike Chernobyl, where the 

local residents weren't informed for quite some time. If they had 

been told, and evacuated, the effects would have been reduced 

significantly. The primary issue raised with Indian Point from their 

opponents, is the close proximity to NYC, and the millions of 


I'm not sure that anyone can say with certainty that Chernobyl is "as 

bad as it gets". I expect that depends on the type of reactor and 

what the core inventory is, and what is released. Others can expound 

on that and what effects could be possible from the largest units, 

assuming a full release.


Sandy Perle				Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100  

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ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service	Fax:(714) 668-3149 	                

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