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Re: Various Comments- Serious and Otherwise
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Estabrooks, Bates (IHK) wrote:
> First, much has been made about the potential risks of transporting SNF over
> the nation's highways. It seems to me that the nuc. industry could trump
> the "antis" by staging a very public (advertised in USA Today, etc.) crash
> of a truck carrying a Type-B package full of some innocuous substance
> (Talcum, say). Build in a nice gasoline fire to enhance the problem. The
> results, I'm sure, would confirm the safety of the way we transport
> high-risk radioactive material. Admittedly this would be expensive and
> audacious, but the "antis" never seem to worry about those things in their
> efforts to distort the truth.
--Why isn't running a truck into a solid wall, or having a
railroad locomotive crash into it just as effective? These things have
been done and there are films on them available.
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