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Nuclear waste
Greetings all,
The article below appeared this morning from
Scientific American.
I beleive this is of interest, Enjoy - Tom
Scientists Voice Concerns about Yucca Mountain
Normally, engineers can assess and improve upon the
reliability of a new technology through operation. If
a model car breaks down, the problem can be fixed
before it hits the market. But not all developers have
that luxury. In the case of geologic storage of
high-level nuclear waste, currently planned for
Nevada’s Yucca Mountain, the potential consequences of
a leak leave little room for experimental error. Such
a plan, say researchers writing in the current issue
of the journal Science, demands a much sharper
analysis of geologic and atomic-scale processes than
has been conducted thus far. For this reason, they
argue, President George W. Bush's recent decision to
recommend Yucca Mountain as a disposal site for
high-level nuclear waste is premature, and the plans
should not advance until the relevant scientific
issues have been thoroughly explored.
The push to establish a repository at Yucca Mountain
is based on political considerations and national
security concerns, not hard science, Rodney Ewing of
the University of Michigan and Allison Macfarlane of
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, assert.
They point to recent shifts in the design strategy to
support their view. For one, the role of engineered
barriers for the waste has increased. Originally,
Yucca Mountain was selected because of its natural
characteristics: a repository could be placed 300
meters above the water table and, presumably, kept
dry. But subsequent research results indicated that
water may actually circulate upwards through the
mountain, and near the proposed waste storage area.
Accordingly, the plan now depends on engineered
barriers, including durable drip shields that would
prevent water from carrying away radioactive material.
"By lessening the importance of geologic barriers, the
properties of the site become less important," the
authors write. "Indeed, the original concept of
geologic disposal has been turned on its ear."
But this is hardly the only problem with the Yucca
Mountain proposal, Ewing and Macfarlane observe. Other
long-term factors, such as the influence of climate
change, the durability of the metallic waste packages,
and the impact of volcanic activity require detailed
probing as well. Yucca Mountain may yet prove to be a
good location, the researchers concede, but the
proposal warrants more thoughtful and complete
consideration before any such decision can be made.
Quoting Thomas Jefferson, they conclude, "Delay is
preferable to error." —Greg Mone
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