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RE: Dirty Bomb
> The explosives
will generally be far more dangerous than any harm from radiation dose
associated with a dirty bomb.
Has anyone gotten
any nuclear or scientific organization--ANS, HPS, NEI, DOE, NRC, EPA, etc. to
make such a statement, with details such as Barbara spelled out? All I
hear (if anything on the subject) is "we're taking this very seriously"
"we're looking into it" "we need more money for security" "we've got
lots of guards and we're getting more" etc.
Must be a pretty
terrifying problem, eh? Why shouldn't the media and the public be
terrified? Who can blame them?
Well, of course the
media have plenty to blame for. I've been unable to get them to publish a
simple statement of these facts that took me two months to hammer out, with 15
noted signatories, all members of the National Academy of Engineering. But
none of the "authorities" will issue, or even agree to, such statements.
That's where the blame starts. When I tried to get the Academy to issue a
statement, I was told "We shouldn't say anything reassuring before the National
Research Council issues its statement sometime this summer" because presumably
they'll say it's a terrible problem requiring years of lucrative study.
We've brought this on ourselves, and we're still fighting to maintain