Carol S. Marcus wrote:
I do not recall anyone saying that there were delayed deaths from Chernobyl. I did ask Henry Royal if there had been any deaths among the children with thyroid cancer, and he said that he thought there had been 5-6, but that they died from complications of surgery, not the cancer itself. A complication rate like this is incredibly high; it would not happen here.
..........The caption at the bottom of the text said that "This article was prepared by Bio-Terrorism.Info editors from staff and other reports," while the copyright note at the top said "Bio-Terrorism.Info via"
I suspect that the offending line, "....Ukraine's Chernobyl plant, directly killed only 31 people, although many more died from exposure to radiation later" simply comes from whoever it was (editors, staff) at the Bio-Terrorism.Info or publications desk that wrote up the report about the Society of Nuclear Medicine's annual meeting (obviously not peer-reviewed; BTW, just what exactly is the relationship between SNM and Bio-Terrorism.Info and -- can someone enlighten me please ?).
It also illustrates how entrenched the idea has become that Chernobyl has caused "thousands of deaths," even among people who ought to know better..... what then can we expect of the public or folks like Norm Cohen ?
Is it not now incumbent upon the SNM to at least get Bio-Terrorism.Info and (whoever they are) to fix the gaffe, if not educate the public about the true consequences of the Chernobyl disaster ?