There are 2 messages totalling 99 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Effective dose per unit administered activity
2. NRC Licensing under new regulations
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 09:07:48 +1000
From: Paul Einsiedel <Paul.Einsiedel@DHS.VIC.GOV.AU>
Subject: Effective dose per unit administered activity
Dear colleagues,
I wondering if any body out there has done any work with or would be able
to provide me with a reference to the effective dose per unit administered
activity for the following mixture: l-[U-14C]Lactic acid, sodium salt.
I have looked at ICRP 80 without success. The effective dose is required to
be placed in a consent form for research involving the exposure of human
volunteers. The researchers are proposing to administer 80 microcuries.
Apparently, the researchers have attempted to find out this information but
have been unsuccessful.
Paul Einsiedel
Radiation Safety Program
Department of Human Services
17th Floor
120 Spencer Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Phone: (03) 96374179
Fax: (03) 96374508
email :
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 21:55:38 -0600
From: Jerry White <gerald.white@MINDSPRING.COM>
Subject: Re: NRC Licensing under new regulations
The NRC has issued a draft copy of NUREG 1556 which was supposed to be
the guidance document associated with the new part 35. Unfortunately,
it was written a year of so before part 35 was finalized. It contains
a great many prescriptive recommendations that are contrary to the
letter of part 35 and more generally, contrary to the "risk informed.
performance based" philosophy that the NRC used to create the new part 35.
The AAPM and ACR spent a lot of time and effort in encouraging the NRC
to modify the NUREG and the associated inspection guidelines. There is
no guarantee of success, but I anticipate that there may well be some
substantial changes in the final version of NUREG 1556. The final
version should be out in a month or so.
My suggestion would be to wait until the final NUREG is published, see
what it looks like and what sort of guidance AAPM and ACR put out and
then think about how you might like to amend your license.
Scott DUBE wrote:
>It's my understanding that the new 10 CFR Parts 20, 32, and 35 go into
effect on 10/24/02. We would like to amend our NRC license "in its
entirety" so we can operate under the new regulations and leave all the old
prescriptive language behind.
>Does anyone know if there is a Reg Guide which explains how to do this?
Or is it even necessary?
>Thanks for your help, Scott
>Medical Physics Organizations