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Re: "Hypersensitivity to electricity"

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Bjorn Cedervall <bcradsafers@HOTMAIL.COM>

An: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

Datum: Freitag, 02. August 2002 15:18

Betreff: "Hypersensitivity to electricity"

>While browsing some Swedish sites, I found the following from two years



>Picture - A man claiming to be hypersensitive to electricity:



>The text reads that the court case (against the employer - Ericsson) was

>held in candle light. No cameras, mobile phones, radios etc were allowed

>during the session. I wonder what the umbrella is doing (I several ideas

>that I prefer to hold back). This man has been on Swedish TV but I missed

>that as I seldom watch TV.



Eftersom källan är Aftonbladet, du borde veta vilken bra vetenskaplig källa

det är!

Since the source of the message if "Aftonbladet" (a badly reputated

newspaper in Sweden - the name means "Evenings paper") you should know, what

kind of good scientific source this is!



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