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Re: " Chernobyl's children " [FW]
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Franta, Jaroslav <frantaj@AECL.CA>
An: Radsafe (E-mail) <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
Datum: Montag, 05. August 2002 16:57
Betreff: " Chernobyl's children " [FW]
>Amazing claim in this article : children born several years after the
>Chernobyl accident ( 5 years in the particular example given ) are "plagued
>by disease and deformity" and "although these children weren't yet born at
>the time of the 1986 nuclear accident in Chernobyl, many suffer its
>consequences.....Thyroid cancer, stomach ailments and leukemia are common
>among children."
>How does radioactive iodine, with a half life of 8 days, cause thyroid
>cancer in someone born years after the release ? ...no doubt a shining
>example of metaphysics ?
We have in Austria a lot of such activities. Recently I read, that they have
invited blind children and that their blindness was a follow up of
hereditary effects from the radiation.
It was mentioned in the article you posted, that there was malnutrition,
especially with vegetables and fruit lacking. This is well known. It is also
well known that diseases like leukemia, thyroid cancer and other cancers
occur in children. It is a pity - no question, but it happens and cannot be
avoided. It is absolutely positive to help children with diseases and it
would be good, if no child would have to suffer and could get medical help
and care. Usually the developed countries and their inhabitants do not much
to help. The organisations which work on that get less and less support and
private help is declining. Only when extensive press coverage is provided,
donations are made - and the starving population in the neighbour country,
which is not covered by the press does not receive anything.
What I do not like in the case of this article (and the others mentioned)
is, that only the word "Chernobyl" and the nuclear threat causes people to
donate, that they have to be frightened by it. I just heard on TV, that the
Palestinian children are more and more affected by malnutrition and how the
situation in many developing countries is, I need not mention. I have never
read, that black children from Africa have been invited to spend a few weeks
in our western countries - did I miss it? Isn't this a very bad thing, that
charity is only evoked by a nuclear accident, that people have to lie by
attributing maladies which are so abundant and common all over the
developing world to radiation and fallout - we know well, that it is not
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