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Re: Dirty bombs
December 22
In reply to Jerry Cohen, there are no logical or scientific reasons to
support the continuing application of LNT. LNT is supported for regulatory
reasons or for politically motivated reasons.
Regulatory agencies are in the business of regulation - that is their
raison d'etre. LNT denies the existence of thresholds. If it can be shown
that there are thresholds regulation has to stop at that point and the
regulators are out of a job. It's a matter of power too. Regulators have
the power to force their LNT regs on everyone, and having amassed this
power they are loath to relinquish it.
The politically motivated reasons come primarily from left-wing extremists
who are determined to destroy the entire nuclear industry. If they can't
directly outlaw it they can use LNT to regulate the industry until the cost
of complying with the regulations makes it prohibitive to operate. (Of
course they have a little stumbling block in the form of nuclear medicine.
I suspect there are a goodly number of anti-nukers who would not be alive
were it not for nuclear medicine.)
Steven Dapra
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