There is not necessaraly that the stolen of the truck. Many accident, with serious conseqquences are due the lost or abandon of sources. Recently there were the following accidents with severe consequences: 1992 Xinzhou, China Lost of Co-60 source 3 Fatalities 1996 Gilan, Iran Ir-192 radiography 2 – 3 Gy (whole Body) 1999 Peru Lost of source Ir-192 radiography up to 100 Gy locally, leg amputation (Ir-192, 26 Ci) 2000 Thailand Abandoned Co-60 (420 Ci) 3 fatalities 2000 Egypt Lost Ir-192 (20 Ci) 2 fatalities Now, in Nigeria and about 40% of IAEA Member States (50/134)% the Regulatory Authorities have not basic infrastructure in radiation protection and control of sources, diferent of USA and all Member States with good infrastructure in radiation protection and control of sources. Jose Julio Rozental