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AW: Hazardous vs. Radioactive Materials
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
[mailto:owner-radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu]Im Auftrag von BERNARD L COHEN
Gesendet: Montag, 10. März 2003 16:41
An: BLHamrick@AOL.COM
Cc: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu
Betreff: Re: Hazardous vs. Radioactive Materials
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 BLHamrick@AOL.COM wrote:
> This may be slightly off-topic for this list, but I was wondering if
> knew of any specific hazardous materials (carcinogens) that are present in
> the natural background, as radioactive material is, and what the
> risk levels might be for those hazardous materials.
The following is from Am. Council on Science and Health
. All plants contain toxic chemicals to protect them from their natural
enemies. Many of these chemicals can cause cancer , like nitrosamines in
beets, celery and lettuce; aflotoxin in peanuts, corn, and milk;
sterigmatocystin in salami, ham, and wheat; hydrozines in mushrooms; allyl
isothiocyanate in mustard, broccoli, and cabbage; safrole in pepper;
tannins in coffee, tea, and wines; psoralens in celery and parsley; ethyl
carbamate in bread, yogurt, beer, and wine; formaldehyde in fruits;
benzene in eggs; methylene chloride in fats; coumarin in candy; diacetyl
in coffee and butter; and flavonoids in fruits and vegetables. These are
nature's pesticides, and per quantity ingested, they are typically as
carcinogenic as man-made pesticides. But our food contains 10,000 times
as much of nature's pesticides as of man-made pesticides.
May I add cosmic radiation which according to my knowledge leads to a large
increase of skin cancer in people living in the high elevations of the
world. What about the many poisonous berries, mushrooms and plants in this
world? What about people living in Brazil and India on monazite sand - o.k.
I know the research and I know the result, that no additional cancers have
been observed, but according to traditional opinion people living there
should be affected by all kind of diseases, including cancerogenic and
heriditary effects.
Do you still dare to eat anything? Before I go to bed now, I'll drink a
glass of wine in order to reduce my life span by 0.2 seconds, or if hormesis
is true it might enhance it by five years.......
Best regards,
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