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Neutron source document

Greetings All--

I'm interested in the following citation:

"Neutron Sources. A technical bulletin distributed by the Commercial 

Products Division, AECL, P.O. Box 93, Ottawa, Canada" (with an implied 

publication date of 1956)

that is referenced in:

A. O. Hanson, "Radioactive Neutron Sources," in Fast Neutron Physics, J.B. 

Marion and J.L. Fowler, Eds., Interscience Publishers (1960).

Unfortunately, I've been unable to locate this technical bulletin after a 

variety of direct attempts (e.g. contacting AECL staff, the AECL reference 

library, and MDS Nordian). Perhaps a RADSAFER is aware of this document and 

may even have a copy!

Please contact me if you're aware of this reference. Thank you!

Best regards,



Erik F. Shores

Los Alamos National Laboratory

X-5, Diagnostics Applications


505.665.7643 (phone)

505.665.3046 (facsimile) 


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