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Wired Magazine: Do or Die at Yucca Moutain

I am the only (former) Wired subscriber on the list?  The mag has been 

out for a couple of weeks and the article posted on their web site for a 

few days.

The falsehoods in this article (April 2003) would be comical if they had 

not been published in a mag like Wired.  Since customer service is 

refunding the balance of my subscription without comment and they claim 

to be a technology mag, I can only assume the editors know exactly what 

a load of crap they were publishing.  Accordingly, I have not bothered 

with a "letter to the editor."  May some of you have a higher energy 

level or a shorter fuse.  If Abe Van Luik is a member of this list, I 

would be interested in his reaction to this article.

Personal opinion only,

Ralph E. Wild Ph.D.


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