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Re: Natural nuclear Rx @ center of the Earth
>Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:21:45 -0800
>To: RadSafe
>From: "John Johnson" <idias@interchange.ubc.ca>
>Subject: Re: FW: [cdn-nucl-l] Re: giant natural nuclear reactor at the
>center of the Earth
>Perhaps my memory of the little geophysics I learnt from friends at =
>university is wrong, but I thought that the source of heat in the earth =
>was nuclear, and due many to the decay of uranium. No fission is needed =
>because the heat conductivity is small. It is certainly not a "giant =
>nuclear reactor".
Certainly? Others used to say that the Earth is certainly not off-center as
far as the universe goes, but those doing the math could prove otherwise.
It's fascinating, I tell ya. And credible. A breeder made by God.
Supporting life on Earth as we know it...
She's awesome...
>From http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Know_Nukes_Archives/message/4057 ...
"Hollenbach, D.F. and J.M. Herndon: "Deep-Earth reactor: Nuclear fission,
helium, and the geomagnetic field", Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA, Vol. 98, no. 20, p. 11085, September 25, 2001.
Abstract:Geomagnetic field reversals and changes in intensity are
understandable from an energy standpoint as natural consequences of
intermittent and/or variable nuclear fission chain reactions
deep within the Earth. Moreover, deep-Earth production of helium, having
3He/4He ratios within the range observed from deep-mantle sources, is
demonstrated to be a consequence of nuclear fission. Numerical simulations
of a planetary-scale geo-reactor were made by using the SCALE sequence of
codes. The results clearly demonstrate that such a geo-reactor (i) would
function as a fast-neutron fuel breeder reactor; (ii) could, under
appropriate conditions, operate over the entire period of geologic time; and
(iii) would function in such a manner as to yield variable and/or
intermittent output power."
Hold the door for the stranger behind you. When the driver a half-car-length
in front of you signals to get over, slow down. Smile and say "hi" to the
folks you pass on the sidewalk. Give blood. Volunteer.
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